Northwest Iowa Crop Conditions

Crop Conditions

Northwest of Storm Lake

Counties of: Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, Dickinson, Lyon, O’Brien, Osceola, Plymouth, Sioux

Past Weeks Rainfall: 0 to .25″
Soil Moisture: Short
Temperature: About Normal
Crop Progress: About a week behind normal


Crop Stage: Early Tassel
Yield Potential: Lost 10% to 15% due to dry weather


Crop Stage: Full Bloom (2 to 3 f eet)
Yield Potential: Lost 10% to 20% due to late planting and dry weather

Corn Market

Current Prices: $7.10/bu
Fall Prices: $4.66/bu
Past Weeks Trend: Steady

Soybean Market

Current Prices: $15.65/bu
Fall Prices: $12.33/bu
Past Weeks Trend: Higher
Land Stewardship


Chad Husman AFM

Much of this area has received very little rain over the past 30 days. The corn is starting to show some stress. Areas with lighter soils have already taken a yield hit. T he corn is about to start pollinating, so favorable weather in the next week or two is important. Soybeans will start their critical period of pod fill in about two weeks.

Crop Update Achives

Please click on the links on the right to view the past pdf’s of our Northwest Crop Conditions reports.

Market Conditions


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