Southwest Iowa Crop Conditions

Southwest Iowa Crop Conditions

Southwest of Storm Lake

Counties of: Woodbury, Ida, Sac, Monona, Crawford, Harrison, Shelby

Past Weeks Rainfall: Heavy snows with wind
Soil Moisture:
Temperature: Cold, single digits to below zero
Crop Progress: n/a


Crop Stage: N/A
Yield Potential: N/A


Crop Stage: N/A
Yield Potential: N/A

Corn Market

Current Prices: $3.42 /bu
Fall Prices: $3.53/bu
Past Weeks Trend: Sideways into a very tight range.

Soybean Market

Current Prices: $8.22/bu
Fall Prices: $8.60/bu
Past Weeks Trend: Sideways but with the bottom side showing an upward trend.


Dennis Reyman AFM, ARA

The crop markets continue to trend very sideways. Strength indicators are wavering from high to low on as little as 10 to 20 cents movement. It will take considerable news with China or a weather issue later to trigger a break-out, it appears.

USDA’s recent Ag Outlook Forum showed expectation for a corn crop totaling 14.89 billion bushels,and a soybean crop of 4.175 billion bushels. Season-average prices are expected to be $3.65 per bushel corn and $8.80 soybeans. Corn price is a little higher than the past several years. About half the soybean crop is expected to be exported (2.02 billion bu.)

The next big USDA crop report will be March 29 and will include the Quarterly Grain Stocks & Prospective Plantings. The monthly Crop Production report comes out on March 8 .

Crop Update Achives

Please click on the links on the right to view the past pdf’s of our Southwest Crop Conditions reports.

Market Conditions


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