Northwest Iowa Crop Conditions

Crop Conditions

Northwest of Storm Lake

Counties of: Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, Dickinson, Lyon, O’Brien, Osceola, Plymouth, Sioux

Past Weeks Rainfall: .1 to .5 inches
Soil Moisture: Most areas are in good condition, but subsoil is not f ully recharge in our Northwest region.
Temperature: Cold week with f rost 4 days in a row.
Crop Progress: 95% corn planted & 50% soybeans planted


Crop Stage: Just Emerging (VE)
Yield Potential: Average


Crop Stage: Just Planted
Yield Potential: Average

Corn Market

Current Prices: $4.50/bu
Fall Prices: $4.40/bu
Past Weeks Trend: Lower

Soybean Market

Current Prices: $14.31/bu
Fall Prices: $11.64/bu
Past Weeks Trend: Lower


Chad Husman AFM

T he record cold weather last week was hard on the newly emerging corn, but we don’t think it actually killed
any corn. At this stage the growing point f or corn is still under ground safe from frost. T he leaf tissue will
turn white and eventually fall off . Most of the time corn will recover without yield damage from an early
freeze. Soybeans can easily be killed by frost, but very few soybeans have emerged yet.

I’m more concerned with the quality of stand in the corn. When corn starts emerging we like to see it all come
up about the same time. Cold soil slows down the process making uneven emergence more common.Spotty stands of corn will generally have reduced yields.

Crop Update Achives

Please click on the links on the right to view the past pdf’s of our Northwest Crop Conditions reports.

Market Conditions


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