Northwest Iowa Crop Conditions

Crop Conditions

Northwest of Storm Lake

Counties of: Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, Dickinson, Lyon, O’Brien, Osceola, Plymouth, Sioux

Past Weeks Rainfall: .6 to 3 inch
Soil Moisture: Too wet for field work
Temperature: Finally warming up
Crop Progress: Most crops have emerged but slow growth


Crop Stage: 95% emerged
Yield Potential: Average


Crop Stage: 95% Planted, 50% emerged
Yield Potential: Average

Corn Market

Current Prices: $2.84 /bu
Fall Prices: $2.89 /bu
Past Weeks Trend: 1 cents higher last week

Soybean Market

Current Prices: $7.95/bu
Fall Prices: $7.64/bu
Past Weeks Trend: 14 cents lower last week


Chad Husman AFM

Rain was widespread across most of the Midwest including some areas of excessive rainfall over the long weekend. Most of our region had moderate rainfall, which was welcome. The two week weather outlook is warmer with less rain. May was cold and
dreary, so we are due for a warm-up. Soil moisture levels in this area are in good shape.Most corn is relatively small with one to three leaves open despite early planting dates.Growth was slowed from cold weather. Many corn fields are somewhat uneven at thisstage because of slow emergence, but after a few warm days they look to be coming
through it well and evening up.

Early planted soybeans were very slow to emerge, many fields planted in late April finally emerged recently after the warmer weekend. We don’t expect any widespread issues with bean stands in this area.

The grain markets hit a bottom in late-April followed by a small recovery. We are hopeful those lows will hold. The U.S. economy is slowly reopening across the county so gasoline usage (ethanol) should continue to rebound. The U.S – China trade relationship is a concern yet again. China is buying products toward the Phase 1 agreement, but the deal
was certainly weakened by coronavirus.

Crop Update Achives

Please click on the links on the right to view the past pdf’s of our Northwest Crop Conditions reports.

Market Conditions


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