Northwest Iowa Crop Conditions

Crop Conditions

Northwest of Storm Lake

Counties of: Buena Vista, Cherokee, Clay, Dickinson, Lyon, O’Brien, Osceola, Plymouth, Sioux

Past Weeks Rainfall: 0 to .5 inch
Soil Moisture: Short
Temperature: Above average
Crop Progress: slightly ahead of schedule


Crop Stage: Full tassel – silking
Yield Potential: Average or better


Crop Stage: Early pod
Yield Potential: Average

Corn Market

Current Prices: $6.22/bu
Fall Prices: $5.22/bu
Past Weeks Trend: 17 cents higher

Soybean Market

Current Prices: $14.05/bu
Fall Prices: $13.43/bu
Past Weeks Trend: 17 cents higher


Chad Husman AFM

The first half of July was nearly ideal for crops with below average temperatures and above average rainfall for most of the region. However, hot and dry conditions lately (especially hot this week) are putting stress on the crops. It’s been about two weeks since the last widespread rain, and soil moisture reserves are low. Farms with light soil are losing yield potential this week, but most farms are holding in there quite well so far. The good news, the forecast looks better next week. I think we still have very good yield potential in this area, but we’ll need above average rainfall in August with normal or cool temperatures to keep it going.

Corn pollination is quickly wrapping up this week. I think the earlier planted corn had an advantage by pollinating mostly ahead of the heat. Widespread rain soon would be very helpful as the water needs of corn is maxed out right now. Many fields were sprayed by airplane or high clearance sprayers recently for plant disease and insect pests. Stress over the next few weeks can reduce the number of kernels, shorten the grain fill period, and reduce kernel weight.

Soybeans are blooming and making pods. Most beans are around knee high currently, they will still add new growth throughout much of August. We need a few good rains minimum between now and the end of August for a respectable soybean crop.

Crop Update Achives

Please click on the links on the right to view the past pdf’s of our Northwest Crop Conditions reports.

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